A Licensed Master Plumber for All of NYC

Dependable Inspection Services Throughout the City

HBNY Plumbing & Heating provides plumbing inspection and testing services for building owners and managers throughout the city. As a Licensed Master Plumber in NYC, we are fully certified to carry out gas piping inspections, low-pressure boiler inspections, and backflow device testing. Our team will ensure your building remains in compliance with state and city regulations.

Inspection and Testing Services Covering All Five Boroughs

We have New York City covered with critical inspection services available for property owners and building managers. Wherever you are in the Empire City, we will bring our expertise to your location.


Staten Island


Professional Services from a Licensed Master Plumber in NYC

HBNY Plumbing & Heating offers several critical testing and inspection services to NYC building owners and managers. We are devoted to keeping your property in compliance with city and state requirements.

LL152 Inspections

Local Law 152 mandates gas piping inspections for many city buildings every four years. Make sure you stay in compliance and avoid DOB penalties by scheduling your inspection with us today.

Boiler Inspections

HBNY is certified to conduct low-pressure boiler inspections in six-family homes, mixed use, and commercial buildings. We will make certain that you meet the city requirements at your NYC building.

Backflow Device Testing

Backflow devices are mandatory in many commercial and large residential buildings. These units protect the local NYC water supply from contamination. We can carry out your annual test.